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Industrial Series

Workbench Series



BCN3D Technologies unveils new industrial-grade materials portfolio

Barcelona, October 31, 2017 – Engineering applications have always been one of the most relevant interests among BCN3D users. Following the aim of enhancing the versatility of 3D printing and offer more dedicated solutions to the industry, BCN3D has developed a portfolio of technical materials under the label “BCN3D Filaments”.

BCN3D Filaments Industrial Grade Portfolio

These filaments are common polymers in several industries and cover the majority of the technical applications. The new portfolio released by BCN3D Technologies has been designed to deliver outstanding results for the Sigma and the Sigmax 3D printers, which include: PLA, ABS, Nylon, PET-G, a new reformulated PVA, TPU and Composites. From now on, BCN3D Technologies will be adding more technical materials in order to provide the industry with the necessary materials.

  • New reformulated PVA: With the goal of ensuring an even more reliable dual extrusion 3D printing experience, we have been working in a completely new reformulated PVA. This new formula works seamlessly with PLA, TPU, PET-G and Nylon, becoming a reliable universal support material to print complex geometries, large overhangs or intricate cavities.


  • Nylon: Extensively used material for its unique mechanical and chemical properties. Thanks to characteristics like durability, flexibility and resistance to corrosion, Nylon is ideal for multiple applications in the 3D printing field, like end-use parts or custom jigs and fixtures.
  • PET-G: A globally used co-polyester, from plastic water bottles to cloth fibers, being 100% recyclable. As a technical material, PET-G provides better mechanical, chemical and thermal properties than PLA with the same ease of use.
  • ABS: Is one of the most common technical materials in several industries around the globe. Its great mechanical and thermal behavior makes ABS the ideal polymer for countless applications. Traditionally it has been a challenging material to print with FFF printers, however the new re-formulated ABS ensures a good interlayer adhesion and warping reduction.
  • TPU: Is a versatile rubber-like flexible material. With Shore-A hardness of 95, TPU is a resistant material for several industrial applications, both mechanical or chemical. Moreover, it’s been especially designed to improve the 3D printing experience.
  • PLA: Is a biodegradable, sustainable and food safe polymer made from organic sources. It is the most common used filament in FFF 3D printers for its ease of use and wide range of applications, specially those not mechanically or thermally demanding. Definitely a good starting point to learn about 3D Printing and manufacturing processes.
  • Composites: Composites are materials with a polymeric base infused with other particles or fibers in different proportion. From wood to metal particles to achieve an aesthetic and attractive finish to carbon fibers to combine lightness and mechanical performance, composite materials for FFF printers unleash your creativity. Composites materials are not under the BCN3D Filaments brand and will be provided by Colorfabb.

BCN3D Filaments Press Release Industrial Grade Portfolio

Learn about which are the most common applications of each material, which are their properties and how to print with them on our new materials website: Click here

BCN3D Filaments are the recommended materials for our 3D Printers, however, as an open filament system, our products are compatible with third party materials for those users who are enthusiasts of other filament brands.

Order the new filaments portfolio in our web store: Click here

Are you interested to find out what BCN3D Technologies and our filaments can do for your business? Contact us at info@bcn3dtechnologies.com.