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Industrial Series

Workbench Series



About us

BCN3D: helping innovators

Based in Barcelona, we are one of the leading developers and manufacturers of 3D printing solutions in the world. We firmly believe in delivering the best quality tools to both professionals and industry level users. Above all, our goal is to enable creators and innovators to materialize their ideas by providing a platform for creation. Some of our clients include Nissan, BMW, NASA, Camper, Louis Vuitton and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

  • History
  • 2023

    We introduced the BCN3D Omega I60, a high-speed industrial 3D printer built for the factory floor as well as the new generation of the BCN3D Epsilon Series, featuring new aesthetics, upgraded electronics and XYZ autocalibration.

    Omega I60
  • 2022

    We announced Viscous Lithography Manufacturing (VLM)™: a never-before-seen resin-based 3D printing technology that unlocks manufacturing autonomy. Our VLM Technology Adoption Program allows companies across all industries to test the breakthrough technology out for themselves.

  • 2021

    In our commitment to providing the best ecosystem across both hardware and software, we acquired AstroPrint: a 3D printing software company known for its sophisticated cloud solutions. Next to that, we also released BCN3D Stratos, a new updated version of our slicer and the brand new BCN3D Cloud.

  • 2020

    In September 2020, we launched the BCN3D Epsilon and Sigma series, featuring brand new state-of-the-art 3D printers together with the Smart Cabinet for optimum filament storage.

    Epsilon W50
    Epsilon W27
    Sigma D25
    Smart Cabinet
    Epsilon W50 SC
    Epsilon W27 SC
  • 2019

    We released the first version of our BCN3D Epsilon printer, designed for large-scale parts with industrial-grade materials for a powerful, professional 3D printing solution.

  • 2019

    We spun off from technological centre CIM-UPC to become a standalone company specialising in designing, manufacturing and distributing 3D printers.

  • 2017

    In September 2017, we released the Sigmax: the most versatile desktop 3D printer on the market. The Sigmax was designed for all kinds of applications, from education and research, to functional prototypes.

    BCN3D Sigmax
  • 2015

    We changed our name from RepRapBCN to BCN3D Technologies, for which we are known today. This coincided with the launch of the BCN3D Sigma, the first commercial printer with Independant Dual Extrusion technology (IDEX) that doubles your productivity with duplication and mirror modes and offers neat multi-colour and multi-material parts.

  • 2011

    We began as a division of the CIM-UPC, a non-profit organization for the advancement of technology and a leader in additive manufacturing. Through the Open Source RepRap project under the name RepRapBCN, we specialised in FFF (Fused Filament Fabrication) technology and investigated and released RepRap printers from 2012-2014 to get us started in the 3D printing industry.


Our values

We are design

Design that enables design; at BCN3D, we are meticulous. Our desktop 3D printers are crafted after a long process of design and investigation to ensure that the end result is optimal. From the assembly stages to picking up the phone to assist with any user doubt, we are aiming for the highest quality

We are co-innovators

We want to give the best tool possible to those who are going to change how things are made in the future. Co-creating and co-innovating with them is a must at BCN3D; this is why we want to be part of the processes and build relations to continue being enablers in many different industry fields. We work for combining our expertise with groundbreaking ideas to create change.

We are customer centred

Our printers are tools made to be used. We design them to be robust, efficient, versatile and adaptable, because, first of all, they need to meet the needs of those who are going to materialize ideas with them. We do not have a customer centre: customers are our centre.

Meet our team

Do you want to be part of an innovative, multidisciplinary and passionate team?


  • Xavier Martínez Faneca
  • Pol Domenech
    General Manager
  • Marc Felis
    Sales & Marketing Director

BCN3D is developing the VIVALDI project entitled the "Valorization of ceramic and metallic waste by generating powder for additive manufacturing and other high added value applications", the main objective of which is the research and development of ceramic and metallic powder material from recycled sources for the Additive Manufacturing sector. The VIVALDI consortium is integrated by a group of 6 SMEs: BCN3D, GRUPAL ART, BCRICULAR, TMCOMAS, COLDEED and SAMYLABS. There is also the external collaboration of technology centers and research groups specialized in each stage of the process: EURECAT, CSIC-ICV, CSIC-CENIM and CIM UPC. This project is subsidized by CDTI in the framework of the Missions 2021 call for proposals (file number MIP-20211033) and has been supported by the Ministry of Science and Innovation.
This project is funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, and is based on the development of technology using 3D printing technology to study breast cancer cells. This collaborative project is led by the University of Girona, together with BCN3D Technologies and CIM UPC.
The aim of the research is to advance personalized medicine to treat one of the most aggressive cancer variants, the triple negative, by developing a technological platform through 3D printing that combines additive manufacturing by filament extrusion and electrospinning for the first time. The aim is to nimbly produce 3D printed structures where the patient's own triple-negative breast cancer cells (tumoroids) are cultured and grown, more effectively mimicking the real conditions of the disease. Thus, drugs can be quickly tested for their cure, making the process of selecting the ideal drug much faster and avoiding the trial and error process that currently affects patients' chances of survival. The project is expected to have a high clinical-translational impact that may represent a breakthrough in the development of new preclinical personalized medicine strategies.

BCN3D is developing the HIBRI4D project "Research and development of 4D Printing Technology for multi-material and multi-functional processing with embedded electronics and sensorics", its main objective being the research and development of an automated flexible manufacturing system based on 4D Printing. The main objective of this project is the research and development of an automated flexible manufacturing system based on 4D Printing that includes the development of multi-material printing technology and flexible functional materials capable of reacting to a stimulus for application to high added value products with electronics and sensorics integrated in a single process. The HIBRI4D consortium is integrated by a group of five SMEs: BCN 3D, EDSER LABS, Calzados HERGAR, SENSING TEX, and SMART MATERIAL. The consortium also has the external collaboration of technology centers and research groups specialized in additive manufacturing technologies: AIMPLAS, CTCR and CIM UPC. The HIBRI4D project is subsidized by CDTI in the framework of the Missions 2021 call for proposals (file number MIP-20211041) and has been supported by the Ministry of Science and Innovation.

This company is capitalized by Innvierte, an investment program of C​DTI, E. P. E.
Proyecto PLEC2021-007523 financiado por:

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